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what is rasa ?


what is rasa ?


Ananda Devi introduces the revolutionary RASA      transmission for accelerated spiritual awakening to new students.


the rasa  story


The RASA first appeared in Spring, 2011 while Ramaji was giving a simple spiritual healing to someone with chronic pain. A big ball of radiant white light came down into the person's body instantly raising their consciousness. RASA   is an acronym for Ramaji Advaita Shaktipat Attunement. The RASA transmission experience is soft and gentle yet powerful and effective. Nothing is required of you other than allowing the experience and being receptive to it.


“Advaita” means oneness or unity. “Shaktipat” is the direct spiritual download of this oneness or unity consciousness (LOC 1000). During the RASA, Ramaji or Ananda Devi open your Crown chakra. They then bring the Divine Light down from above your head. This Light enters the top of your head and turns your brain into Light. This Divine Light quickly and easily reprograms your brain for effortless stabilization in enlightenment.


The ideal candidate for RASA  is a person who is at “End of Seeking.” They are no longer enamored by their search. Their seeking and their suffering has humbled them. Their cup is now empty waiting to be filled by spiritual blessing. They are now available to Grace. 


The RASA   spiritual transmission is given to support non-dual awakening (enlightenment). There is no guarantee of enlightenment as a result of receiving RASA.   However, when you go up to a new LOC and stabilize there you remain at that LOC. You do not fall down.


The RASA  spiritual transmission is delivered in silence with eyes closed for 15 minutes. In a typical session you share and ask questions, get your new LOC assessment and then get RASA.   You will then be asked to sit or lie down for another 15 minutes. This concludes the session.


To set up an online Skype or Zoom RASA  transmission with Ramaji or Ananda Devi, please go to the Book Your Session page on this website. Physical distance makes no difference in terms of the potency of the RASA.   When you receive RASA   online you are getting RASA    in the comfort of your own home or office. For most people this is more comfortable than a physical face to face meeting.


The requested donation for receiving delivery of the RASA    transmission in support of non-dual awakening has been kept at a low amount in order to make it affordable for everyone. Your donation also guarantees you an hour on Skype with Ramaji or Ananda Devi where you may ask any questions and discuss any topic with them. Many spiritual seekers who experienced only group satsang in the past find that our personal one on one approach enables them to get the answers they need to move forward. You are finally being treated like the unique special individual you are who is on a unique path unlike that of anyone else.


As of October, 2018, the RASA  spiritual transmission has stabilized more than 500 people in non-dual spiritual awakening or enlightenment. The typical student will take 6 months to one year to spiritually awaken. In some cases, only a few months are needed. After the first Full session, the student usually chooses to receive two RASAs per month. These are called "Returning Student sessions."


RASA  can be given to individuals or to groups. Individual RASA  sessions are with Ramaji or Ananda Devi. Online Zoom group RASA  satsangs are given by Ramaji and Ananda Devi together. Please go to the Online Events web page to join an online group RASA  satsang.


The benefits of RASA may include the following aspects of living at LOC 1000:


  • The end of seeking, grasping and craving. You will no longer suffer from an existential contraction, angst or sense of conflict that persists no matter what. You will finally feel totally relaxed, at ease and in peace.


  • You live in a state of total let go. You will feel unlimited. You will not feel conditioned or controlled by anyone or anything. You live spontaneously.


  • Other positive life-enhancing characteristics blossom in you because now you are living fearlessly! You are without fear! As a result, people experience you as more friendly and more positive. You are able to accomplish much more with little or no sense of effort. You can achieve whatever your true desire is because now you are perfectly aligned to the universal power.


  • Contrary to anti-life enlightenment teachings promoted by monks and celibate yogis, you will find that your senses and your experiences in life are richer and more fulfilling. Everything looks better, sounds better, feels better, tastes better and smells better. For your entire life you were driving with the brakes on. You were not living at full power. At long last now you can live!


  • You will experience the temporary content that comes and goes the way the sky experiences clouds and weather. The sky remains free as the sky always.


  • Suffering as you have known it ends. The reality is that life includes pain. Pain cannot be avoided. But suffering is optional. There can still be negative thoughts and emotions as that is part of being a human being. But you will know directly that whatever arises is not me... not mine... and not about me!


  • Your old way of living will come to a full and complete stop. You will be reborn as your effortless free natural Self or Essence. This ends your "story" of suffering and separation which was never real in the first place.


  • The issue of "other" gets fully resolved. You know directly and intimately even when you are talking to people face to face that they are your very own Self. They are your Self... my Self... the Self... the One Supreme Self.


  • The issue of "world out there" gets fully resolved. It becomes crystal clear to you that the world arises from you! YOU are the Source of the world. It is like the world is a dog that is begging to accompany you in life. It needs you but you don't need it. It's a playful celebration. There is no need to deny a world that is not really there... that is just a dream. You are free to enjoy the world!


  • The issue of "relationships" gets fully resolved. There is no other. All there is is only the Self which is your Self. This means that even when you are in relationship there is nothing to figure out. It is all spontaneous. It is the wisdom display of the one divine Self. The two partners are one dancer.


  • The issue of "addiction" and chronic inner conflicts gets fully resolved. You realize that everything that arises in you as well as what you say and do is totally spontaneous. It is the action of the universe from one moment to the next. Every moment is vivid, fresh and new. Each moment is a gift. As a result you relax and let go into a full ever expanding enjoyment of this moment as it is. Old bad habits melt away automatically like snow falling on the sun.


  • You abide in the blessed state of "only don't know." You live like an innocent little child with total faith and trust in this glorious wildly creative universe.


  • Manifestation becomes effortless. Contrary to tepid views that suggest life ends after enlightenment, the reality is that now finally LIFE BEGINS! One of the benefits of fully realizing you are not the doer, that God or the universe is the doer, is that now you understand that there are NO obstacles to the manifestation of your true spontaneous natural desires! The conventional person stuck in feeling like the doer creates all kinds of obstacles in his mind because he imagines he must do it all. The truth is the exact opposite. You role is simple. Know and feel clearly what you want... then ask for it!


  • Your resistance to living in each moment disappears. You used to reject and judge your moment to moment experience as not what you want, not good enough, that there must be more etc. Now because your ability to say "no" has been disabled, all you can say is a big warm wonderful "Yes!" to life.


  • Everything is known to be perfect just as it is. Everything is known to have infinite precious value. You are content. You are fulfilled. You are home.


  • You feel at all times that you are being yourself. You live in sahaja, meaning the natural state. You feel totally at ease with yourself. Life is effortless.


  • Although content comes and goes, that which you are does not come and go. It is always present. So no matter what happens there is a foundation to your experience that goes untouched. This is the Diamond Essence of your Being. No matter how dirty it seems to get, it can be instantly washed off. You soon realize that you are free and that nothing can touch you. Not only that, this Diamond Self that you are is rock hard, solid and totally real. Now you have a reliable foundation for living. Now at last you know who you are.


  • These are just some of the benefits of living at LOC 1000. Realizing your true Self is beyond mystical experiences. The search is completely over. That in itself is such a huge relief! Finally you are HOME. You are your SELF! Finally!


RASA can be given to individuals or to groups. Individual RASA sessions are with Ramaji or Ananda Devi. To set up an online Skype or Zoom RASA transmission with Ramaji or Ananda Devi, please go to the Book Your Session page on this website. Online Zoom group RASA satsangs are given by Ramaji and Ananda Devi together. Please go to the Online Events web page to join an online group RASA satsang. Online group RASA satsangs are offered weekly on Zoom.

















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