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how to contact us (san diego, ca)

phone: 619-600-0125 (leave message - checked daily)

email: satsangwithananda at gmail dot com

email: satsangwithramaji at gmail dot com

Turn Your Live TV or Radio Show Into an Unforgettable One of a Kind Event!
Let us give the RASA  spiritual energy blessing LIVE ON YOUR SHOW to your viewers and listeners! Now your audience can EXPERIENCE the positive life-changing power of this revolutionary new spiritual blessing for themselves. We do not need to see or hear your viewers and listeners. We can give the RASA  spiritual blessing in 5 minutes or less.



interview questions
rasa story
online events (satsangs)

media kit

ramaji & ananda devi

"ramaji and ananda devi are an exceptional spiritual power couple. they are not just authors and spiritual teachers. they have spiritually awakened more people than anyone else in modern history using their revolutionary rasa spiritual transmission. plus they are twin flames who teach tantra, abundance and living life to the fullest!"

"my life was transformed!"

rasa  transmission testimonials


andrew, acupuncturist pittsburg, pennsylvania

chip, tax attorney

calgary, canada

lars, house painter

copenhagen, denmark

dawn, dentist

gilroy, california

jason, scientist gainesville, florida

gary, health insurance

woodstock, new york


Ramaji and Ananda do not consider themselves gurus or spiritual teachers. They prefer to be thought of as “spiritual activists” or “transformational agents.” Thanks to the RASA silent spiritual transmission, they do not have to rely on words or concepts. Their mission in life is to deliver the divine Light of RASA on a global scale and spiritually awaken as many people as possible.

sample online satsangs

(spiritual talks with rasa )


typical online satsang of up to 150 people using the robust zoom video conferencing platform

satsang january 28, 2018

hosted by corey sheikh

Ananda Devi and Ramaji talk about their Twin Flame love relationship, Tantra and enlightenment for the West, having doing and being it all, their unique approach to spiritual awakening, the amazing power of the RASA spiritual transmission for accelerating your realization, the truth about post-enlightenment, the great awakening on our planet and much more. The silent RASA experience is near the end of the recording. Many people have reported spiritual benefits and even awakening just from meditating with the silent recorded RASA.

satsang march 17, 2018

hosted by open circle

Due to privacy issues, the questions have been removed but the answers from Ramaji and Ananda are intact resulting in, as one person put it,  a "good stream of consciousness talk." If you have not experienced RASA or would like to experience it again, there is a 20 minute Group RASA Transmission near the end of the video. Many people report that listening to the silence recorded during the RASA transmission gives them a good taste of RASA. In fact some people have awakened just from listening to the silent RASA recorded via audio or video media!



Ramaji experienced a spontaneous Kundalini awakening when he was 16 years old, and a full-blown non-dual awakening in 1992. He is the author of eight books on non-duality including No Mind No Problem, Who Am I? Meditation, and his latest, 1000.  In spring 2011, he was giving a spiritual healing to a woman with chronic fatigue syndrome when a sphere of brilliant white light the size of a beach ball came down into the woman’s body. He soon realized that this light had the power to spiritually awaken people very quickly. He called it RASA which means “essence” in Sanskrit. He then knew his mission in life: to give RASA and awaken as many people as possible.



In February 2016, Ramaji met Ananda Devi, who had had several deep spontaneous spiritual awakenings from an early age. From their very first meeting, it was clear that Ananda was the soulmate and teaching partner he had waited for all his life, and she soon joined Ramaji in giving RASA transmissions.



Ananda has a loving powerful no-nonsense style of talking and teaching. She is a unique and highly gifted teacher of non-dual awakening. Like Ramaji, Ananda Devi had a Kundalini awakening as a teenager (at age 13). Her approach is extremely direct, even described as ‘Kali-esque’. She is known for her extreme effectiveness in bringing to LOC 1000 (Self-Realization) students who are ready for her intense, down-to-earth, deeply loving transmission. For those who are ready, she will not let you go until you are done, and you have personally and permanently realized your true Self. For these lucky ones, she is perfect, and the person who will get them to non-dual awakening and stabilization in the Self as fast as possible.

the rasa story


Ramaji tells the story of how the RASA spiritual transmission first appeared. He explains Ananda Devi's role in the expansion of RASA now and in the future.

The RASA showed up in Spring, 2011 in Palm Springs, California while Ramaji was giving a simple spiritual healing to someone with chronic pain. A big ball of radiant white light came down into the person's body instantly raising their consciousness. It was discovered that this descending divine spiritual Light had the power to quickly and easily bring about spiritual awakening (realization of non-duality or enlightenment). This 4 minutes 41 second video was recorded in June, 2017.

interview questions



1. What is enlightenment? What it is like to live as enlightened people and as an enlightened couple?

2. How long does it take your students to become enlightened?

3. You talk about a post-awakening process. What is beyond awakening?

4. Do you have system for awakening people? If so, can you describe it?

5. Why would a person want to get enlightened? What are the benefits of enlightenment?




1. Why are  you teaching enlightenment, manifestation and Tantra together?

2. How is your “awakened manifestation” approach different from typical manifestation teachings like Law of Attraction?

3. What is the biggest single obstacle to manifesting what you want?

4. What role does desire play in manifestation?

5. If I wanted to manifest a trip to Tahiti, can you take me step by step through how I could do that?




1. What is Tantra?

2. What advice would you give to a couple who want to be together but their sex life is dying?

3. What are 3 things couples can do to stay in love and deepen their love connection over time?

4. You say you are Twin Flames. What is a Twin Flame relationship? Is it the same as being soul mates?

5. What is the real value of relationships for personal growth and spiritual awakening? It seems many people would be better off not being in a relationship!

news releases

April 29 is Anniversary of RASA Spiritual Transmission
says RASA Founder Ramaji, CEO of RTI, Inc.

publicity photos

HOW TO Contact US

5385 Camino Santander

San Diego, CA 92130

​​Tel: 619-600-0125

s​atsangwithananda AT gmail DOT COM

satsangwithramaji AT gmail DOT COM

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TYPICAL RESULTS AND DISCLAIMER: The testimonials on this site are from real people. Your results may vary. The individuals who get the best results are typically at what we call "end of seeking." This means they are fully and totally available to receive the RASAtm spiritual transmission. Rasa Transmission International, Inc., Ramaji and Ananda Devi cannot and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results from the RASAtm spiritual transmission. Nothing on this page or on our website is a promise or guarantee of results or benefits of any kind. We do not offer any legal, medical, psychological or other professional advice. For any such advice or help we recommend that you contact a licensed professional. Thank you for visiting. We wish you great success on your spiritual path!

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